August 12, 2010

Inspired...Erin Brockovich

AMAZING...OK so I only just watched this film but OMG am I inspired..I want to be Erin Brockovich, she has three kids, been walked out on by two men, no money and she works her ass off to try and get a job, practically with her little baby in her arm. So she might not be the smartest but she knows right from wrong and she knows what to do to get what she wants...

Fave quotes..."I don't need pity, I need a paycheck."
"Bullshit. If you had a full staff, this office would return a client's damn phone calls."
"In a law firm you may want to re-think your wardrobe a little!" "Well as long as I have one ass instead of two I'll wear what I like if that's all right with you!"

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